How to swap BNB to AVAX (tutorial)

Gerda G
4 min readMay 4, 2022

Edited nov. 5th 2022

Do you want to swap BNB to AVAX ? Cross chain swaps allow you to swap tokens from one chain to tokens on another chain. Using a DEx to swap BNB to AVAX takes about 1 minute and can be done by someone who is completely new to crypto. Want to know how? You’ll find a step-by-step guide below.

What is a DEx

A decentralized exchange (or DEx) is a cryptocurrency exchange which operates in a decentralized way, without a central authority and interference from a third party. Decentralized exchanges rely on smart contracts to allow traders to execute orders without an intermediary.

Why use a DEx

  1. Privacy. Decentralized exchanges are completely anonymous. A centralized exchange (or CEx) may ask you for know-your-customer (KYC) details, but a DEx works on the basis of anonymity.
  2. Less risk. You do not have to exchange assets to a third party in between which makes it less prone to hacking. Unlike a CEx you have full control over your wallet and funds.
  3. Cheap. Because decentralized exchanges don’t bear the additional cost of setting up and maintaining infrastructure to offer secured services they are comparatively cheaper than centralized exchanges.

For this guide I used FibSwap DEx to swap BNB to AVAX. FibSwap allows its users to buy any token listed on the DEx in an efficient matter by swapping any token from Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche and Ethereum into the token they wish to purchase directly across the different blockchains.

The FibSwap DEx is an Interoperable Multichain Bridge System (IMBS) DEx which utilizes the FibSwap Smart Algorithm. This creates a bridge to swap tokens from one chain to another in one seamless, instant transaction.

For more info about FibSwap please visit

Step-by-step guide to swap BNB to AVAX

  1. Please ensure you have sufficient gas on both chains! If you do not have enough assets available you can earn free gas for your swap with the FibSwap gas bot service. Join the Telegram bot at and follow an easy process to receive free gas. // edit: it’s no longer needed to pay gas on both chains. You only have to pay gas on the source network.
  2. Let’s start by connecting your wallet to the DEx. Visit and connect your wallet in the upper right corner. In this guide I’m using MetaMask to swap BNB to AVAX.
Swap BNB to AVAX, step 1 connect your wallet
Connect your wallet to the DEx.

3. Select your source network + token and target network + token. In this case the source network is BSC and token BNB. I want to swap it for AVAX so the target network is Avalanche and the token AVAX. Enter the amount you would like to swap and click transfer to start!

Swap BNB to AVAX, step 3 select source and target network
Select source and target, enter amount and hit transfer!

4. Now let’s confirm the transfer in your wallet.

Swap BNB to AVAX, step 4 confirm transfer
Confirm the transfer.

5. Wait for the swap to approve and complete. When completed switch to the target network, Avalanche. Time for part 2!

Swap BNB to AVAX, step 5 switch your network
Switch to the Avalanche network.

6. Almost there! Click complete to sign the swap in your wallet.

Swap BNB to AVAX, step 6 click complete
Hit complete
Swap BNB to AVAX, step 7 sign to confirm
and sign!

That’s all! You have now swapped your BNB to AVAX!

Tutorial Video

Check out this tutorial on YouTube:

